Answers to your questions

Answers to your questions

How do I book?

Call Paw Patrol at (289) 788-4428 or send an email, using the contact form, and we will arrange a no-obligation complimentary Meet and Greet. The consultation will be scheduled at your convenience and will last approximately 30-45 minutes. If you decide to use our services, you will need to fill out some paperwork regarding your contact information, pet characteristics and vet information. We will also need to obtain a key from you.

How do I know my key will be secure?
We are very careful with clients’ keys. Regular clients’ keys are carefully monitored and when not in use, are stored in a safe. Customer information and keys are stored separately and there is no identifying information on the key.
How do I know if my pet has been looked after?
After every visit, we will leave a report card. If your pet needs medication, we will maintain a Medication Log.
Is there a minimum weekly requirement?

With the exception of shift workers, we require a minimum of two walks weekly, so that we may develop a bond with your dog. The days can vary, but two walks per week is the minimum requirement for our dog walking services.

Do you walk dogs in extreme weather conditions?
We are an all-weather operation, as we know that is very important for your dog to relieve himself. However, in cases of extreme weather, the walk may be shorter than usual, and the leftover time will be made up with lots of play in the dog’s home.
Can you stay overnight at my house?
No, sorry, we can’t provide this service because our own pets need us!
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